A portfolio of our work, all made possible with thanks to the following organisations:
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Once a year, wonder-full Montessori School teachers get together. They entrusted us to create some conference bling with a difference & the Dalai Lama kindly helped out... more >>> |
Love it alright - what a brilliant poster design. It's the handiwork of NZ's Ikon Communications to celebrate the 100th year of Coca-Cola's contoured bottle. See how they were re-used... more >>> |
Meridian Energy likely pays a fair amount for Jeremy Wells to amuse us and amuse us he does. To earn his keep, he has been put to work 24/7, quite literally as a muse ... more >>> |
The lovely folk of Hawkes Bay
and West
coast were the first to
make the switch to digital TV. The
billboards were rounded up to make the
switch too~into laptop bags... more >>>
Buying property is a huge decision. Re-using
the catalogues and coreflute 'For Sale' signs will hopefully
be a no brainer of a call for Tommy's agents leading the way... more >>>
How cute. Te Radar with his mini look-a-likes at Kapiti's Sustainable Home & Garden event. We were there too with free workshops for big and little kids... more >>>
Orders from Clemenger BBDO are exciting. They are the smarts behind the lovable 'ghost chip' campaign, Fly Buys peek-a-boo giraffes & ACC's scooter
survival message... more >>>
Turning Adshel posters into stationery has proven popular. Now even the off cuts are being used up to once again, attract the eye of many a passerby... more >>>
The Green Party's 2011 election sign notebooks sold a treat so sheds and garages were searched for more. The result is this fine vintage of souvenirs dating back to 1996... more >>>
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Fancy the extra milk or the $90 power saving? EECA's outdoor campaigns did a great job of bringing the Energy Star ratings to life. They then cleverly had us milk the materials... more >>> |
Helping t o put the fun into fundraising, University of Canterbury posters
were turned into wallets with 100% of the profits going towards earthquake repairs... more >>> |
Greater Wellington Councillor and Green Party candidate Paul Bruce had his coreflute election signs put to good use in his community. Keep a look out in Brooklyn... more >>> |
Below are earlier projects that have since been archived but you're welcome to request further information. |
Different and proud to be. Smart too. Victoria University of Wellington found a way to get the best out of their recruitment posters by turning them into Open Day gifts... info >>>
A beautiful shade of green in more ways than one. Kiwibank rounded up their posters from around the country and turned every single one into folders for in-house use... info >>>

From bus stops to the well appointed boardrooms of the New Zealand Stock Exchange building. These posters all made their way back to Loyalty NZ Ltd, the home of Fly Buys ... info >>>
Stunning works of art that looked great on both the stage and coreflute signs. A year later, the signs returned as stunning merchandise... info >>>
HRC & GSL Network created the successful campaign that is, Smoking Not Our Future. Then they recycled it; stage banner and all... info >>>
Loving the quality NZ made paint, the beautiful colours and wow, what a business ethos! We recycled their posters in awe ... info >>>
Environment Canterbury signed off to recycle their display stands on Feb 22, 2010. By lunchtime, air pollution issues and recycling had to take a back seat to a major earthquake... info >>>
The 10k prize to answer this question was impressive enough but New Zealand Post delivered even more. See how they re-used this campaign and many others... info >>>
IQ.co.nz, the IT provider behind Tranz Scenic had their client's Adshel posters recycled into gifts and stationery as a clever and thoughtful Christmas gift that set them apart... info >>>
Adshel have kindly commissioned many a campaign to be recycled into stationery. The dressed up sheep on their folder order had their Aussie clients wondering... info >>> |
Full credit to Moxie Communications for the A+ artwork on Greater Wellington Regional Council's Adshel posters. Great designs that made for great looking folders... info >>> |
This World Smokefree Day campaign was a stunner design by GSL Network and by recycling the posters, the Health Protection Agency message of giving quitting a go lives on... info >>> |