Back in 2008, Donald Trump was firing the fiery Omarosa for not raising enough funds for charity.
He was also a fun TV personality being
used in New Zealand to promote holidays to New York.

The promotional
posters were saved and we found a way for him to get back to raising funds for charity.
Hidden inside these recycled poster notebooks is the media's golden trumpet. Hidden, so they can still be used in public.

The Statue of Liberty on the front appears a little embarrassed... rightfully so given the words on her plaque:

Today's tired and huddled masses still seek out a mighty woman.
Her name is no longer Mother of Exiles, it is Mama Merkel and she needs our support.
Socrates identified circa 440 BCE that what is honoured in a culture, is cultivated there.
It explains both Trump and Washington's Hillary in one brilliant sentence. It also explains why
was the destination of
choice for the war-weary, seeking efficient, practical solutions and why NZ had a 'she'll be right-I'm rich but I'd sure like to be Richie and richer before heading off overseas' Prime Minister.

Yes well, moving along... the notebooks contain 200 pages of recycled paper and they were auctioned off to raise
for Women's Refuge.
That's right, Mr Trump has a deep respect for women and he is making amends for his 'me big man, you little woman'
views by supporting women to say 'It's not OK'. He just doesn't know about it... yet ~:-# |

And there he is - around 8 years younger - back when he was building hotels. For years to come,
he is going to be doubling as a handy storage pocket. Feel free to insert the memo on gender equality.

He's gone from hotels and helicopters to hateful and harmful speech, and now we
need to offer him another 'H' letter
and it is 'help'.
Help to apply his talents more skilfully.
NZ could hire him to get tough on rats, stoats and possums. Brazil needs help eradicating mosquitoes, corruption and
drug lords and so the list goes on. There is a time and place for people who can instil fear and conjure up a ready army.
It's just that the world could do without the Oval Office being one of those places.
We asked beloved New Zealanders like Te Radar, Dame Tariana Turia, and Bill Manhire to provide a hand
written note to insert into one of the notebooks for the fundraiser on Trade Me and they agreed ;-)
All of the Women's Refuge Adshel posters were also recycled into notebooks for inclusion in the auction:
.. ...... ..... 

Together we can use words to help women vote with their feet when something is not OK.
The Trade Me auction has ended yet there are still several Mr Trump notebooks left, if interested.
Thank you very much to everyone who kindly helped out and bravely had a go at taking the Women's Refuge quiz.